Spirit Crime
2023 Update!
By popular demand a book is in the works!
A flood of requests have come in over the last two years and more so recently than in the past. Simply put, people want reading material on Spirit Crimes - and specifically real world examples that have been documented and can be cross-referenced with other databases.
The original idea for helping people get a grasp on Spirit Crime was the game board. That development hasn’t stopped by the way. It’s more difficult to make a game work than you would expect. For instance, making sure the game plays long enough, but not too long and that it can’t reach a stalemate. That takes a lot of trial and error and adjustments to get it working correctly.
Reading material that's worth the time is also time consuming and difficult. One hurdle is to make certain that no reports of real world incidents can be linked back to the original person or persons for the sake of their own anonymity.
Book formats to be available
To that end a ghost writer (no pun) needs to be found that is willing to take on the task. Additionally, essays have to be complied and a book page length determined. Considerations for publication were originally thought to be nothing more than a PDF file for printing or reading electronically. But it became obvious people wanted an actual book format like trade paperback or mass market.
As you know, Stop Spirit Crime is a free information source. No profit can be made from the selling of books in this case. But a calculation to break even on sales should be something to consider. At this time a trade paperback and e-book with the aid of self-publishing is the focus.